Let the fun begin with Olympics large selection of outdoor rental gear. We have one of the largest fleet of kayaks, paddleboards, and bikes, with the most locations, of any outfitter in Western Washington. All our locations are unique and offer spectacular scenery and wildlife. You can rent by the hour, by the day, or longer; we provide basic instruction as well as tips on where to go and what you can see and do. Whether you are looking to go paddling, biking, or camping on the Kitsap or Olympic Peninsula, we have the facilities and equipment to get you outside.
Kayak Rentals
Whether you are headed out on the water for a couple of hours with friends and family or looking for a kayak to paddle during your next class or tour. Olympic Outdoor Center has something for everyone! Take advantage of our years of expertise, affordable pricing and top quality gear options.
Where Available
What's Included with Rentals
All Rentals include basic instruction from our fun, knowledgeable staff, guidance of the local area and conditions, as well as a safety talk. Kayak rentals include boat, paddle, and life jacket. Premium rentals also include: paddle float, bilge pump and Spray Skirt.
On-site hourly rentals are first-come, first-served. We do not take reservations for on-site hourly rentals. On-site rentals are rentals taken from our rental facilities and must be returned the same day to the same facility. Please call us at (360) 297-4659 for group or off-site rentals.
Off-site rentals is any rental that is removed from our rental facility. Minimum rental charge is full day.
Kayak Sizing: We stock rental kayak sizes from youth/XS to adult XXL in Port Gamble.
Premium rental kayak brands: Eddyline, Wilderness Systems, Necky, Seaward, Old Town. Kayak Material may be Plastic, Fiberglass, or Carbonlite. Available only at our Port Gamble location. Call for Selection.
Please see our Rental Terms & Conditions. You can save time by filling out our Rental Release Form beforehand.
Hourly Rates | 1-2 Hrs | 1/2 Day | Day |
Sit-on-Top Kayaks | |||
Single | $33 | $44 | $55 |
Double | $43 | $54 | $65 |
Premium Kayaks | |||
Single Sit-In | $45 | $65 | $95 |
Double Sit-In | $65 | $85 | $115 |
Fishing Kayaks | $75 | $95 | $125 |
Pedal Kayaks | $75 | $95 | $125 |
Multi-Day Rates | Day | Weekend | Week | Add'l. Day |
Sit-on-Top Kayaks | ||||
Single | $65 | $110 | $165 | $40 |
Double | $75 | $130 | $195 | $50 |
Premium Kayaks | ||||
Single | $95 | $165 | $275 | $55 |
Double | $115 | $195 | $325 | $65 |
Fishing Kayak | $125 | $225 | $375 | $75 |
Pedal Kayak | $125 | $225 | $375 | $75 |
Kayak Delivery Fee | $125 | * Off-Site | Kayak | Delivery |
* Rates subject to change. Sales tax will be applied to all rentals and purchases. Off-site and premium rentals available from Port Gamble store ONLY. Weekend rentals may be picked up after 3pm Friday and returned by noon Monday. Off-site rentals must be carried on roof racks which meet our approval. Premium rentals may not to be carried in the bed of a pickup truck, or on the roofs of cars without suitable racks. If in doubt call us for approval. We do not provide tie downs for off site rentals. You can either purchase in store or provide your own.
Fishing and Pedal Kayaks:
Our fishing and pedal kayaks are top of the line Old Town Kayaks with Pedal Drive. Great for those that do not want to paddle but pedal.
Stand Up Paddle Board Rentals
We have been renting stand up paddleboards since 2010, and in that time we have learned a lot regarding size, material and shapes to best suit paddlers of varying statures and abilities. Take advantage of our expertise to ensure you have an enjoyable time out on the water. In that time we have also learned that Port Gamble is not a suitable location for beginners to learn the ropes on an SUP. We want our customers to have a good time and feel comfortable on the water and with the conditions. Our Poulsbo and Port Orchard locations provide a bit more shelter from wind and have next to no current influence.
MONSTER SUP/Paddleboard: For group fun there is nothing better than group paddling a monster paddleboard. You paddle it like a river raft with one person steering from the stern. This inflatable board can handle up to 5 adults/children. Don't forget to bring a cooler for seats and play toys for the kids. This is also a great swimming platform for the adventurous.
Where Available
What's Included with Rentals
All Rentals include a basic instruction from our fun, knowledgeable staff, guidance of the local area and conditions, as well as a safety talk. Paddleboard rentals include board, paddle, life jacket, and board leash.
On-site rentals are first-come, first-served. We do not take reservations for on-site hourly rentals. Please call us at (360) 297-4659 for group or off-site rentals.
Please see our Rental Terms & Conditions. You can save time by filling out our Rental Release Form beforehand.
1-2 Hrs | 1/2 Day | Day | |
Paddleboard | $33 | $44 | $55 |
Monster SUP | $65 | $85 | $95 |
Off-Site Rental Rates
Day | Weekend | Week | Extra Day | |
Paddleboard | $75 | $130 | $260 | $55 |
Inflatable Paddleboard |
$55 |
$110 |
$160 |
$55 |
Monster SUP | $95 | $150 | $200 | $55 |
(Off-site Rentals require reservation)
* Rates subject to change. Sales tax will be applied to all rentals and purchases. Monster SUP rentals available for up to 5 people or 1000lbs. No pets allowed on the Monster SUP. Off-site rentals available from Port Gamble and by reservation only. Weekend rentals may be picked up after 3pm Friday and returned by noon Monday. Most Off-site rentals must be carried on roof racks which meet our approval. Sit-on-top kayaks can be carried in the bed of a pickup truck, sit-in kayaks must be supported on a vehicle rack.
Bike Rentals
Back to TopOlympic Outdoor Center is located on the Port Gamble trail system in the town of Port Gamble. You ride right from our store and be on the trail in minutes. We offer a full range of frame sizes in full suspension, trail, and E-Bike models. Port Gamble trails offer everything from mild double track logging roads to steep single track. We include a map with every rental and will help you select your route. There are enough trails to plan up to 30 miles in one day.
Where Available
What's Included with Rentals
All Rentals include basic instruction from our fun, knowledgeable staff, guidance of the local area and conditions, as well as a safety talk. Mountain Bike rentals include fitted bike, helmet, and trail map.
On-site rentals are first-come, first-served. We do not take reservations for on-site hourly rentals. On-site rentals are rentals taken from our rental facilities and must be returned the same day to the same facility. Please call us at (360) 297-4659 for group or off-site rentals.
Off-site rentals is any rental that is removed from our rental facility. Minimum rental charge is full day.
Bike Sizing: We stock rental bike sizes from youth/XS to adult XL in Port Gamble.
Mountain and Trail Bikes: These bikes are designed for off road riding on trail or single track. They are not designed for jumping which can cause major damage to their components which you as a renter are liable for the full replacement value of the damage to the bike.
E-Bikes: These rental bikes are for groomed trail or gravel/paved road riding. They are not designed for mountain or off road riding.
Please call us at (360) 297-4659 for group or off-site rentals.
Please see our Rental Terms & Conditions. You can save time by filling out our Rental Release Form beforehand.
Hourly On-Site Rental Rates
(On-site Rentals are First Come - First Serve)
1-2 Hrs | 1/2 Day | Day | |
Hardtail Trail Bike | $50 | $80 | $100 |
E-Bike Standard | $50 | $80 | $100 |
Premium Full Suspension Bike | $60 | $90 | $120 |
Day & Multi-Day Rental Rates - Reserve
Day | Weekend | Week | Extra Day | |
Hardtail Trail Bike | $100 | $150 | Call | $50 |
Premium Full Suspension Bike | $120 | $185 | Call | $65 |
E-Bike Standard | $100 | $150 | Call | $50 |
E-Bike Premium | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
(Off-site Rentals require on-line reservation)
* Rates subject to change. Sales tax will be applied to all rentals and purchases. Off-site rentals available from Port Gamble only. Weekend rentals may be picked up after 3pm Friday and returned by noon Monday.
Drysuit Rentals
Whether you are headed out on the water for a couple of hours with friends and family or looking for a kayak to paddle during your next class. Olympic Outdoor Center has something for everyone! Take advantage of our years of expertise, affordable pricing and top quality gear options.
Where Available
What's Included with Rentals
- Drysuit
- Booties
- FREE Shipping (minimum 3 day rental)
Rental Rates
Day |
Weeknd | Week | Addl Day |
$65 | $95 | $195 | $35 | |
Multi | ||||
Drysuit - Extended 8 to 34 Days | $275 | |||
GORETEX Drysuit 8 to 30 Days | $350 |
* Rates subject to change. Sales tax will be applied to all rentals and purchases. Weekend rentals may be picked up after 3pm Friday and returned by noon Monday. NOT SUITABLE FOR SCUBA or any type of DIVING. Shipping is FREE in the US, minimum 3 day rental. A security deposit is required and renters must follow strict rules on putting on and taking off the suites to prevent damage. Renters are responsible for all damage to the suits. Latex gaskets are fragile and can rip or tear easily if not put on correctly. Please take the time to be careful.
Olympic National Park Camping Rentals
Grab the kids and gear up for some outdoor fun! Leave your camping gear at home, we have you covered. Perfect for families, out of town guests, and anyone ready for adventure. This complete ready to go camping kit is packed with the essentials for up to four people.
Rental Rates
Days | 1-3 | 1 Week | 2 Weeks | 3 Week |
1-2 Persons | $129 | $199 | $299 | $399 |
2-4 Persons | $199 | $299 | $399 | $499 |
* Rates subject to change. Sales tax will be applied to all rentals and purchases. Rentals available from Port Gamble and by reservation only. Weekend rentals may be picked up after 3pm Friday and returned by noon Monday. Damage and cleaning deposit required.